Trump-Supporting Dentist Gets 2 Years For Sending Violent Online Threats

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A Trump-supporting dentist in Tampa has been sentenced after sending over 100 threatening messages.

According to The Root, Richard Glenn Kantwill was sentenced to two years in prison after pleading guilty to four counts of interstate transmission of a threat.

The charges stem from over 100 violent, racist messages investigators found Kantwill sent through text, Instagram DMs, and more.

“Being the anti-Christ piece of s—t that you are, we are going to kill you. Torture first, then death,” Kantwill allegedly wrote in a message targeted at a religious leader, who he dubbed a "fake Reverend." The victim reportedly installed $4,500 worth of surveillance cameras for fear of his safety.

“God bless the Great President Trump and his family. F—k you and yours. Hire extra security ... you’re gonna need it,” another message to a second person allegedly reads.

“Take note because liberal (expletive) like you get raped in alleys. You are our number 1 target, you degenerate (expletive),” Kantwill wrote to a political leader, according to authorities.

In other messages, Kantwill allegedly threatened to cut out the heart of a news host's son. He also bragged about buying "highly illegal firearms." During his plea hearing, Kantwill's wife testified that he owned 50 firearms at home.

The FBI interrogated Kantwill over his behavior in October 2019. During the interview, authorities said Kantwill called himself a "keyboard warrior," maintaining that he didn't intend action behind his threats. Kantwill also allegedly blamed "the government" and "minorities" for his behavior.

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